
Lidmaatschap European Biogas Association

Biogas-E is vanaf heden lid van de Europese biogasassociatie EBA. Via dit lidmaatschap wil Biogas-E de Europese Gemeenschap verder overtuigen van de rechtmatige plaats van biogas binnen de hernieuwbare energie en nutriƫntsector. Hun website (http://www.european-biogas.eu) is zeker een bezoekje waard, verwacht ook regelmatiger Europees nieuws via de Biogas-E website!

EBA represents over 60 Members from 24 European countries and the U.S., including national associations, research institutes and companies. Among our activities, we monitor EU policies and lobby for sustainable biogas production, as well as promote and support industrial and academic development through EU Projects. In order to facilitate international biogas networking as well as exchange of information and best practices, we organize several events on biogas in Brussels and elsewhere and publish regular newsletter and reports. To enhance the visibility of biogas in Europe, we are looking for members who want to contribute to development of the biogas sector and who have a vision for the future.

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